Start an Isolation from a Task

Find out how you can isolate an energy source from a Task.

Created a Task, selected Isolation(s) during a Risk Assessment, and now you’re ready to start isolating an energy source? Find out how you can isolate an energy source using an Isolation plan or how to record the steps in an unplanned Isolation in real-time. Note that the process is similar on the mobile app.

Two ways to start an Isolation from a Task.

  1. Navigate to the Home page in the menu
  2. Click on the Task that requires the Isolation. If you can't find the Task you are looking for, click on the progress bar to view a complete list of the Tasks assigned to you and, if necessary, narrow your search by filtering the results
  3. Click on "Start isolation" to start the Isolation plan or “Continue isolation” if you have started earlier
  4. Click on "Add isolation" or "Add an extra isolation", depending on whether or not the item has been isolated by another worker
  5. Click on "Start isolation" to begin an Isolation or “Continue isolation” if you have started earlier
  6. Confirm the action by clicking on "Start" when the pop-up appears. Note that you can start an Isolation and finish it later
  7. The next actions of the Isolation depend on whether or not the Isolation has steps:

If there are steps in the Isolation plan:

  1. Go through each step of the Isolation and click on "Done" in the top-right corner as you complete each one. If required, take a picture and upload it by clicking on "Add a picture" 
  2. Once you complete the last step, click on "Done" in the top-right corner to go back to the Isolation status page
  3. The status page should now show "Isolated" and your name and the date will be on the right-hand side

If you want to abandon a planned Isolation, click on “Abandon isolation” at the bottom of a step and confirm the action by clicking on “Abandon” when the verification box appears. Note that you will not be able to complete the Task and you will need to remove the Isolations.




If there aren’t any steps in the Isolation plan, you can create an unplanned Isolation:

  1. Click on “Energy source” and select one from the list
  2. Click on “Add a picture” to upload an image of the Isolation. If workers aren't required to add pictures, you can edit the Isolation settings
  3. Click on “Add step” if you need to add another step to the Isolation plan
  4. Once you have added all of the steps, click on “Finish” in the top-right corner 
  5. Confirm the action by clicking on “Yes, isolation plan is finished” when the pop-up box appears
  6. If you want to remove the Isolation later, click on "Cancel" in the top-left corner
  7. The status page should now show "Isolated" and your name and the date will be on the right-hand side

Note that you can cancel the first step in an unplanned Isolation. 

💡 Completed a Task and want to remove the Isolation? Check out our guide.