Risk Assessments Overview

With Risk Assessments, workers can select the activities of the job and identify potential hazards to find the safest way to complete the Task.

A Risk Assessment is a procedure that helps workers integrate accepted safety and health principles and practices into particular jobs or Tasks. In each step of a Task, the activities and potential hazards are identified and the controls necessary are selected to ensure the safest completion of the job.

Risk Assessments can be created and viewed in the web portal and on the mobile app. Find out how you can:

To start a Risk Assessment, click on the "Risk assessment" section within a saved Task:

Risk Assessment on Company Page:

  • A list of risk assessments (both complete and incomplete) can be accessed by going to the Company Page
  • You can access risk assessments from Company> Worksite> Jobsite> Area
  • See the number of Risk Assessments completed today from the list view.
Click on the Risk Assessment on you Company Page and:
  • See the number of completed and incomplete risk assessments and the status of the risk assessment. You are also able to see which task a risk assessment is linked to. This list will be sorted by creation date by default.
  • This list can be filtered by worksite, Jobsite, or area. A detailed view of risk assessments can be accessed.