Company Overview

The way workers use Opslock depends on how company information is set up.

Changes to general company information in Opslock take place on your Company page under:

You may also find other sections with statistics on the right-hand side of each one, depending on your role permissions.

Find out how you can edit general company information and where you can access other company details that you can adjust in the web portal and on the mobile app.

💡 Note that you can only edit company information if your role has been granted permission to do so. Learn more about roles here.

Edit company information.

  1. Navigate to the menu and click on your Company page
  2. Click on “Edit” on the top-right corner of the page
  3. If you have been permitted to update company settings, edit any of the following information:
  4. Click on “Save” in the top-right corner of the page

💡 Want to add, edit, or delete jobsites or areas? Make your adjustments within the worksite that they are located in.