Submit improvement suggestions, safety concerns, and work requests in real-time with Observations.
Opslock Observations document hazards and safety recommendations in the workplace. Users can intuitively submit key information to leadership fast while management can use the triage section to get even more value from Observations.
Observations can be viewed, created, and updated in the web portal and on the mobile app. Check out our guides:
Get to know the Observations page.
On the Observations page, you can:
- View a list of open and closed Observations, filtered by creation date
- Create a new Observation by clicking on the menu in the top-right corner and selecting "Add observation"
- Export a CSV file by clicking on the menu in the top-right corner and selecting "Export"
- Filter the results by Observation type by clicking on an analytic bubble at the top of the page
- Filter the results by clicking on the "Filter" button in the top-right corner of the Observations section
- Date: Select a start and end date from the calendar
- Event type: Choose from "Improvement", "Quality", and "Safety"
- Location: Choose one or more locations
- Status: Choose from "Opened" and "Closed"
- Label: Select "Lesson learned"
💡 An Observation marked as "Lesson Learned" is one that is created from a Task. You can add an Observation to a closed Task if you've learned a lesson from it.
- To return to the original list of Observations, click on the "Filter" button in the top-right corner of the Observations section and select "Clear All"
💡 Note that you can narrow the Observations list by selecting multiple filters.