Edit or Archive Observations

In this tutorial, you will learn how to edit and archive Observations.

If you've submitted an Observation, you may be able to go back and make adjustments, depending on your role permissions. To get started, if you have a basic account, click on "View Observations" on the Home page and select an Observation. Otherwise, click on your Company page in the menu, click on "Observations", and select an Observation from the list. Then, edit the details of an Observation or archive an Observation. Note that the processes are similar on the mobile app. 

How to edit an Observation.

  1. Click on "Edit" in the top-right corner
  2. Make adjustments to any of the sections of the Observation
  3. Click on "Save" in the top-right corner to save your changes

How to archive an Observation.

  1. Click on "Edit" in the top-right corner
  2. Click on "Archive observation" at the bottom of the page