Archive Work Permits

Find out how you can archive a Work Permit.

If you created a Work Permit as a test or it is no longer relevant, you can archive it so that it does not appear alongside the rest of your Work Permits. Note that the process is similar on the mobile app.

How to archive a Work Permit.

If your role has permission, you can archive a Work Permit.

  1. To do so, you can either:
    • Click on your Home page and click on the Task that houses the Work Permit you want to archive. If you can't find the Task you are looking for, click on the progress bar to view a complete list of the Tasks assigned to you and, if necessary, narrow your search by filtering the results
    • Click on your Company page and select the Work Permit that you would like to archive
  2. At the bottom of the Work Permit, click on "Archive"
  3. To go back to the previous page, click on "Back" in the top-left corner