Archive Areas

Find out how you can archive areas that are no longer active.

Archive an area.

To archive an area at a jobsite, navigate to the Company page and select the worksite with the jobsite that houses the area that you would like to archive. You will only be able to archive areas if your role has been granted permission to do so. Note that the process is similar on the mobile app.

💡 Can't see the worksite that you are looking for? Click on "View All" in the top-right corner of the worksite section on the Company page.

  1. Click on "Jobsites"
  2. Select the jobsite that houses the area that you want to archive
  3. Select the area that you want to archive
  4. Click on "Edit" in the top-right corner
  5. Click on "Archive area"
  6. Confirm the action by clicking on "Archive now" when the pop-up box appears